Or Uniform shop in Rayners Lane, Pinner
Click here to download the School Uniform Summary
Please note earrings (including studs) are not permitted to be worn under any circumstances
Breakspear School Pre-Loved Uniform Sales
Breakspear's Pre-Loved Uniform Sales is run by a group of parent volunteers, most of whom also work full time so please forgive us if we do not respond immediately. We aim to provide parents and carers with access to good quality, affordable, uniform.
To request items please contact
We aim to fulfil orders (if we have the items in stock) within two weeks.
To help us do this as quickly as we are able, please ensure you have given us all the details we need:
We take in clean donations in the box in the main school office; we check sort, mend (if we can) and hang items in sizes so that they can be found quickly. Any items which have holes or stains we try to upcycle (into hair scrunchies, PE bags, bean bags, money pouches for sales and bunting!) or send for fabric recycling.
We don't have any set prices for items we just ask for a donation of whatever the purchaser feels is right for them and the items they have. Everyone's situation is unique; especially in the current climate.
We started this project in October 2019 just before the kids went into lockdown and didn't need uniform! However, we persevered with our main aims: Mainly, the cost of uniform is so high and there is a big demand for second hand items but no outlet to facilitate the swap of them. The feedback we get from parents is very positive and they are pleased with the standard of items and the convenience we offer.
Secondly, it's good for the polar bears! By redistributing the unwanted uniform and making it easily and regularly accessible to those who need it, helps to reduce waste; and also the need to use valuable energy and resources to produce and distribute new uniform.
Thirdly, it makes a bit of money for the school. Money from donations, after small expenses, is donated back to the school to be spent on the children.
This project aims to benefit the environment, the school and family finances; to remove the stigma of 'second hand' clothes and establish a 'make do and mend' attitude to today's children. Items don't have to be new, they can just be 'new to you'
To our kids it is only 'ugly' school uniform discarded on the floor at 3:31pm. But to parents and carers, it represents a massive outlay and further expense as they grow which continues for their thirteen years in education...
“Mummy, why are you so obsessed with uniform? Everyone's got some!”
They have no idea...
The Pre-Loved (and currently loved!) Team
Breakspear School